The Parisian Life

"Paris is a world meant for the walker alone, for only the pace of strolling can take in all the rich (if muted) detail"

 During the past few days I spent time walking the city of Paris, absorbing all that this beautiful city has to offer. Yes, the roads are dirty, the subways smell, and the sky is often gloomy. But that hasn't stopped be from wandering the city to discover its ins and outs. A few highlights include the delicious French cuisine and elegant coffee shops I've stumbled upon. I also enjoyed capturing some snapshots of the Parisians, going about their everyday lives. 

Something I learned recently is the difficulty of living in a place in which you don't speak the specific language. Lacking French in my repertoire has been a struggle. From miscues of buying three croissants when I only wanted one, to an encounter of a salesman saying "wtf did you just say" after my attempt to ask for a lightbulb in French. I'm learning though..slowly. "Je ne parle pas français" remains the most important phrase. 

Fuji X-T1  | 14mm | 56mm